
Wheeler cooking 900x620 smaller

Fish tacos! Photo by Matt Unrau

My name is Wheeler Cowperthwaite.

I’m a Journalist. Photographer. Mensch.

I’m a reporter at the Providence Journal in Providence, Rhode Island, and former a reporter at the Patriot Ledger in Quincy, Massachusetts as well as the former courts reporter for the Cape Cod Times in Hyannis, Massachusetts. I’m the former cops and courts reporter for the Rio Grande SUN in Española, New Mexico.

I write food columns and make videos about cooking. In addition to the food columns, I write a blog about food, journalism, travel and other things, called “Put some cilantro on it!”

All of the pictures on the website and on the blog, assuming I took them, are both available to download from my Flickr profile (usually in a higher-quality format) and free to use: I use an attribution-only Creative Commons license. Use them, so long as you attribute me/link to the work. I appreciate, too, if one who uses them sends me an email/link. Just appreciate, though.

My cooking YouTube channel is www.youtube.com/CookingWithWheeler.

I used homebrew; we were Fat Grey Tom’s Cider.

I’m also the former treasurer for the New Mexico chapter of the National Association of Hispanic Journalists.

Feel free to contact me at cowperthwaite@gmail.com or follow me on twitter, @WheelerReporter or @wcowperthwaite.

I speak German (passable fluency) and have an affinity for both the signature East German mustard, Bautz’ner Senf (mittlescharf) and German wine.